Family Long Vacation Part 2

       Andy had Zachary assisting her as she went downstairs. They are late for breakfast and they found Ellen and Andel laughing as they play with the babies. Zachary looked away. Yeah, he felt betrayed by his best friend and his sister.

"I am super hungry. Hurry up." Andy complained. Zachary hurried and they went to the porch. He put a thick blanket around her and gave her hot soup and hot chocolate.

        He prioritized her and their baby first before eating. He made sure that she's comfortable and he had every food that she needed. His phone rung and he checked it and he stood. He answered the call.


"Thank you for your help." Mr. Ivanov said. "Thank you for making sure that my granddaughter is in good condition."

"It's what I promise."

"I'll let you have all of my men."

"I will only ask for your help," Zachary said and he glanced at his wife.

"Merry Christmas."