Lullaby Part 2

        Ellen is out of energy and Andel gave her a glass of water. She patted the space beside her, and he lay there and reached her face. She held his hand and she moved closer and wrapped herself to him.

"Singing that song in front of everyone?" She pouted at him. "I wanted to only hear it when we are alone." She reached his erect and he froze.

"But you have more than five orgasms…" He murmured and he held his hand that is wrapped around his manhood.

"You turned me on, really bad."

"Baby, can you give me a moment?" He asked.


        He sat up and then he went to her wardrobe and took the box. He looked at the toys that he bought for her and looked back at her. She watched him choose whatever it is. She gaped and when he chose a small butt plug. They haven't used it and he smirked at her.

"Are you serious?!"