Cuteness Overload Part 1

 Stanley checked his phone and he immediately grabbed his coat. Luna gave his breakfast and then he rushed to the garage with Kale on his arm without noticing it. Luna ran to follow them.

"Where are you taking Kale?" Luna asked and Stanley just realized that Kale is with him.

"Sorry!" He gently gave Kale to Luna and seeing that her father is entering his car he started crying and he nearly slipped off from her arm when he tried to grab his father.

"Dada!" He cried. Stanley froze and he kissed Luna and then Kale. Kale stopped crying and he thought that he's going to come with him. "I'm sorry, son." He kissed him again and he entered the car. Kale cried loudly.

"We are going to visit daddy later. Okay?" Luna tried to coax him. "Please don't cry, Daddy had a meeting until one."

"Dada!" He shouted. Luna waved at him and she took him back inside. It takes time for him to stop crying until she gave him a bowl of jelly fruits.