Percy and the Babies Part 2

        Ash reached his face. Her heart clenches as he looked at that handsome innocent face.

"Are you telling the truth?" She asked. He smiled and kissed both of her hands.

"I am. I've been wanting a baby. And it's a good thing that the condom broke."

"Stand up." She pulled her hand. Percy stood and he sat beside her. He reached his hand to her round stomach.

"It's wonderful." He said with twinkling eyes. Ash never thought of this scenario. It's like a fantasy.

"Let's tell everyone." He told her and she shook her head.

"Grandpa will be very happy with this."


"It's fine." He insisted. "They will love you."

"Percy, I—I am not ready. Do you want to have a DNA test first? What if they would think that I got impregnated by another?"

"It's mine. Right?"

"Yes. I never had sex with anyone but you."

"Then, DNA testing will be useless."

"I—I just want you to make sure that I am not fooling you."