Bloody Wedding Reception Part 2

 Percy rubbed Ash's back as he led her back to their room. Ash sat at the edge of the bed and exhaled. It was so intense and so scary. Andromeda is so scary. She's straightforward and she indeed scared Ash.

"Hey, don't mind her," Percy told.

"You see what's going on here, Ash? If you betray this family, you know what will happen." It is more like a threat. But she knew to herself that she's not going to betray Percy or his family.

"She's very straight forward." She said and rubbed her stomach.

"Don't worry. I know that you aren't the type that would betray us."

 Ash felt so welcome and comforted. She smiled at him and reached his hand.

"Thank you for trusting me."

"I trust you." He kissed her lips. He knelt in front of her and kissed her stomach. "How about let's start with moving your things from your apartment to my house?"
