Hearts Around

 She was busy checking her emails as she replied with a few of them. Andy massaged her head and glanced at the time. It's time to nap. She's been working so hard on her properties and since she already had a name for her baby, she will put it under her name. It's something bad happened, then she should secure her baby's future although Zachary is there to protect their baby.

 She rubbed her tummy and her baby is moving. She's so sure that she'll be so active as she grows up. So, she planned for her future. She needs to take up marksman at an early age. From archery to the gun. Like Sabrina had a plan in her firstborn.

"Ow." She groaned and she lay back on her seat and rubbed her belly. "Baby, you've been naughty." She muttered. "Zach…" She called and then she clicked her wrist watched. She rubbed her stomach. "Hold on, baby. I think it's too early for you to come out." Zach!" She called out and she hid her will and locked it.