New Life Part 1

        Andrew has never been happier in his life but to be with Love and their future baby. Back in the Philippines, they are celebrating Fin's daughter's birthday and welcoming the new Pattinson baby. He's sure that his grandfather is so happy about it with an additional confirmation that Love is pregnant.

        It was already six-thirty and he promised to buy her a strawberry and chocolate cake. He said his goodbyes to his employees, and he walked toward the store to buy her cravings, and since their house is a few blocks away, and the store is nearby.

        It's so traffic in New York and he will just walk.

"Andrew!" he stopped hearing his name and he turned around to see a woman wearing a white dress. "Andrew!" She ran to him and hugged him. Andrew is stunned for a moment and he gently pushed her from her tightly hug. He held her arms.
