Launching of the First World Plan Part 1

        Yves is punching his bodyguards in anger. They just let Viktor left the country like that. He's going to Russia and they can't bomb Russia. It's their country. Adrian massaged the point between his brows and then he let out a sigh.

"I need to fly to Russia." He muttered.

"There's no point. They are aiming the guns to us. If we leave at this instant, we might not be able to arrive there alive and come back alive."

"What's our next step then?" Yves asked.

"We need to Launch our First bomb." He grinned at him. "I am getting excited here."

"You are fucking insane?" Yves laughed. "I love the idea."

"We are targeting that plane." Adrian pointed to the plane.

"Now?" Yves asked.

"Don't you think I don't have a second step?"


        Viktor had settled on the private plane safely and comfortably. He knew the next plan for Adrian.

"I think we should go for sky diving?"