Bloody Christmas Part 2

 Soon, the guards had surrounded them, and the butler came up with towels. She pressed it to Viktor's shot and there are more assassins. Eagle Empire VS Rose Empire. But it wasn't just Eagle Empire. Some small assassin companies that are sided with the Eagle Empires had surrounded the house.

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't be here." Viktor hugged her.

"Don't say that. You are injured."

 They take them to the saferoom which is underground. Then, the butlers came with medical equipment. She told him to lay flat down on the sofa. He did as what he told, and she also gave him a cloth.

"Bite on this. This will hurt like bitch." She told.

 He bit on the cloth and then she ripped his clothes. He removed the cloth.

"Babe, you sound sexy while ripping my clothes."