Christmas Eve Part 2

        It's Christmas Eve in Russia, but in the house of the Rose Empire and Eagle Empire, the government is cleaning up hundreds of bodies. The assassin companies are finished in one-blow by the Phoenix Empire. They all stop trying to kill each people that Grisha listed just in case he got killed or something.

        It's a red alert to the assassin companies. Somehow, they are targeting to kill Andromeda and her family and each of the Phoenix, Pattinson, Knights and Viktor, and his father. Assassin companies are now in the hand of the Phoenix and Dragon Empire. They just use a little trick from going into their servers and system. Andel and Moira had hacked it and found it through the files that they take from the Eagle Empire.

        This year is the most memorable around the world. The media only aired it a little and the government didn't want them to leak more of the details on what happened. But all is well.