The New Generation

12 Years Later,

 It's been years after those bloody things that happened. Their enemies are dead and after a few weeks of torture, they finally give them the peace that they wanted. No more pain. They drank their poison that would kill them. Anyway, all in all, and their family are always together with all of the empires that had gathered to save the world.

"Dad, I'm fine you don't need to go with me," Zendaya said and she rolled her eyes.

"Stop bothering your daughter," Andy told Zachary.

"How can I not bother when she's going to a boarding school?" Zachary complained to his wife.

"Hey, we own that school." Andy wanted to calm her husband, but he seemed to be nervous about it.

"There will be lots of boys."

"Uhuh," Zendaya bounced her head. "It's already late."

"I don't care." Zachary exhaled. Then he looked at the identical boys who are busy with their phones and his little girl who is busy with her book.