Queen of Rose Empire Part 1

 She carefully chose the dress that she would wear today and it's her favorite one that she rarely used. She doesn't care if she dressed up on the same dress every other day. She loved her clothes and the old ones, she would sell it and put it on their donation funds.

"My love," Viktor called.

 She looked at the five years old little girl and fix her headband.

"Are you ready?"

"Just a moment." She took a lip moisturizer and gently put it on her daughter's lips. She reached her bag and took her daughter's hand as they stepped out from the walk-in closet that her husband set for her.

"Beautiful as always." He kissed her lips.

 After three years of waiting to get married next, they finally held a grand wedding. Viktor wanted her to have the grandest wedding that she ever wanted. But she only wanted something simple and only family and little of her close friends.