Empire Attack Part 2

        A knock on the door makes them both stopped, and it opens. A boy at the age of eleven but taller than eleven entered and he put his stroller on the corner and then he approached them and sat on the sofa.

        Dmitri frowned at him and then he reached one of his stress balls and throw it at him. He caught it with one hand.

"You just come here without noticing anyone. Does your father know that you are here?" Dmitri asked.

"They already forget about me." He shrugged.

"You are so dead, Asher!" Zendaya stood and she approached him and pulled his ear. He squealed in pain and Zendaya punched his abdominal and he fell on the floor. Struggling.

"Ow! Grandpa," Asher struggle.

"Do not call me, Grandpa!" Dmitri hissed at him. "Stand up! Boys should be stronger than girls, but it seemed in this Era you got beaten by your big sister."

"She's older than me!" Asher complained.