Sexy Ladies Part 2

 It was a big game, Timothy and Zendaya, together with Wynter and Logan. Then Christian, Demi with the twins Rhys and Raiden. The others already had teamed up and Demi's team won the rest house. They all complain about seeing a wreck rest house in the picture. But Christian nodded and looked at Timothy like they already had talked about it.

 They gave it to Christian since the twins Rhys and Raiden don't want to do anything about it. Christian thanked them and he smirked. Zach gave him the title of the rest house and the land.

 Kale approached Bea from the corner.

"Let's drink beer at the Patio." He put his arms around her and pull her away from the crowd. He took two beers and gave on to her as they sat down on the swing. Bea swigged the bottle of beer to her mouth and she sighed. "What's up?"


"We are best friends. How could you not talk to me?"

 Bea sighed and there's a silence between them. Bea leaned on his shoulders.