Owen's Son Part 1

        Owen had slept for twelve hours together with others. He dressed up and eat and then he left. It's just like that. He needed to go back there as soon as possible. It should be nineteen hours flight, but it shortened to fifteen hours since he's using the fastest jet plane.

        He bought some stuff from the gift shop and just grab whatever he sees. He already called his secretary to buy toys for his son and flowers for Victoria. He only sent pictures to her and that's it. She would have it easy. His driver arrived with the gifts for Victoria and his son Odin. It's only an hour's drive and when they got there, he took out the gifts and ring on the bell of a small two-story rented house.

        It was opened by Victoria and Odin came running. He

"Daddy." He patted Odin and he kissed Victoria's lips and she stepped back feeling awkward.