Owen as a Father and Lover Part 2

 Owen played with his son in his playroom. He liked the toys and everything around them. He taught her how to control robots and other stuff. He introduced her to high-tech parts, like the camera with audio on it and he could use it if there are intruders in their house. They stopped when Victoria knocked on the open door. They both looked at her.

"Dinner's ready and your whole family is here including Zachary, Ellen, Percy, and Andrew."

 Owen laughed and stood.

"I think they are thrilled. Don't you think?"

"They are thrilled." She nodded.

 Owen took his son's hand and put his other arm around her waist and kissed her cheeks. He let her get entertained by his parents and Aunt and Uncle for an hour while he's playing with Owen. She got familiarize and she's close again to his parents.

"Will you be fine sleeping all by yourself?" Owen asked him.

"Hmm," Odin thought for a while. "Can't sleep in your room?"

 Victoria pinched Owen.