How Teenagers Spent the Night Part 1

        Bea frowned seeing Timothy and Zendaya making out in the corner. They are kissing and cuddling. Geez, Zendaya is sitting on Timothy's lap doing that French Kiss that they say. Rhys and Raiden mimic them but they aren't kissing or something. Then, there's Demi and Christian. They look horny as well.

        Christian is caressing her back and slowly keep kissing Demi's neck. Bea stood and couldn't take it all. So, others just ignored it and continue on their drinking while she finished her drink and stood. She's drunk. Completely drunk.

"Hey!" She shouted and they all stop. "You!" She pointed Zendaya and Timothy and then Demi and Christian. "Can you stop making out in my living room. Go to the guest room and do it there." She scolded them. "I am out of here." She stepped and nearly fall. She kept her balance. Everyone is completely busy with whatever they are doing, and some are already sleeping on the sofa.