Alone with the Heiress Part 1

        Raiden and Rhys finally arrived home and they kissed their mother and hugged her. Then they did the same to their two baby sisters. Casey hugged them. She's one of the sweetest girls that they know.

"How are you doing with your artworks?" Rhys asked.

"I am doing great." She told. "I'll show it to you when I am done with it."

"Okay." The twins said at the same time and they looked at Chelsea who is busy reading some textbooks for her research.

        Their father is also busy and he's in his office. So, their mother prepared lunch for them which is delicious but not that delicious as their father could cook. But anyway, few of it is take-outs that they love. Their mother instantly spoiled them with whatever food they wanted to eat as long as they would eat vegetables with it.