Messy Visions Part 1

 Noah is walking with Jaxon to the boy's dormitory to check on them, but they come across to Bea who seemed to be walking in a rush, but she stopped and fell on the ground. He should've rushed like a ninja to catch her, but it was late. He reached her and checked if she hit her head.

 Her eyes are closed but she's tearing.

"Miss Bea!" He gently shook her.

"We should bring her to the clinic," Jaxon told.

 Then, she suddenly opened her eyes and when she saw him, she pushed him away. Noah held her still and pulled her into his arms.

"It's alright." He mumbled. "Did you get hurt?" He asked softly.

"My butt hurts." She said as she sniffled and wrapped her arms around his nape. "Bring me to daddy." She mumbled.


 They turned back and went back to the café. They walked across Demi and Christian who are whispering at each other, but they stop.

 Noah needed to carry her since she felt dizzy.