Family Time Part 2

    Timothy woke up and stretched his arms. He put his PJs on and went outside and meet the beautiful sunlight. He looked at Wynter who is feeding the dogs and playing with them.

"Good morning, Wynter." He greeted her. Wynter looked at him and she turned back from him and left. "Well, bad morning?" He mumbled. Wynter is an adorable kid but somehow, she doesn't like him always around Zendaya because she forgot to spend time with her.

    He went back inside, wash his face, and brush his teeth. He put is work out shorts and tank and then his rubber shoes. He went to where the family is having their daily tai-chi exercise. They are only about to start, and he smiled and greet them all. He kissed Zendaya on her forehead.

"You got a good sleep?" She asked and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I did."

    Zachary frowned and pushed their foreheads to separate them.