Escort Part 2

        Bea is sitting at the backseat as she covered her eyes with an eye mask. Noah is their driver on their way to the Empire Academy. She wanted to argue more to her father but somehow, he made everything final. What can she do about it? She isn't the boss of her father's army and she can't just command Noah to leave her life.

        She removed her eye mask and exhaled.

"Do you need anything, Lady Bea?" Noah asked as he glanced at the rear mirror.

"Nothing." She mumbled and checked Thunder and Flash and then Sophia who is sleeping comfortably since the sedan is very wide where they could stretch their legs out.

"Don't you have another mission?" She suddenly asked.

"My mission is to protect you and your siblings."

        She rolled her eyes and leaned on her seat. She stared at nowhere for a while feeling frustrated and anxious.
