The Strongest Group of Empires Part 2

        Andromeda sipped on her juice and listen as her daughter and Demi have their drama over their boyfriends who choose to be with their fathers and brothers. She sat down feeling dizzy for a while and she closed her eyes as she was pulled into a scenario.

        She froze seeing Christian standing with dead bodies of his team at his back. 

"So, what would you choose?" The man in a suit asked. "You have fun enough with your fake family. It's time that you enjoy to your real family." 

        Christian looked down at Noah's dead body, Jaxon, Mason, and Ashton. 

"Okay," The man said casually, and he lifted Demi's photo. "I'll start with her then." 

"No!" Christian screamed at him. "Don't." 

        The man laughed. 

"Okay, now we finally understand each other. Let's go?"