Restrained Part 2

        In the morning, she drove to Zachary's house with one bodyguard following her. It takes a long drive to their driveway to the main house. Zachary is playing with the dogs and feeding them probably waiting for her and she is excited to start their project. Maybe doing this would make her forget of Noah.

        Her father said that Noah will be dealing with some kind of project in which he is needed. So, months away from him would make everything better. He restrained himself and he doesn't want her in the first place though he's horny because she strips in front of him.

        Zachary smiled and he jogged toward her car and opened it for her.


        She got out and took her briefcase. Zachary grinned.

"Shall we start?"

"Of course," She nodded.

"Your Aunt already prepare refreshments. She's very busy with everything in the company."

"And that makes you unemployed?" Bea joked. Zachary shook his head.