Rogues Part 1

        Bea could say that she enjoys her work though it was exhausting. It became less exhausting when Noah is around. Everything is flowing perfectly and their cook, Christian, and Demi together with Rhys and Raiden are great. Snacks, Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks again then dinner is very delicious and their workers and also the army that is around them also love the foods.

        Then, a chopper arrived for the supply of food with two Chefs from the Asian seasons. Wow, additional. Dmitri is very supportive of their project since it's Demi's idea.

        It's already dinner and they all stopped when there's a red alert from the army camouflage nearby. They run to their room and put their suit on. Bea tied her hair and then, over her suit is a jacket. Some who don't have a suit, hide to get ready as their marksman and backup.