California Business Trip Part 2

"I'm Dwayne Richard." He extended his hand to her. She looked at it.

"Athena." She said without taking his hand and stared at her drink.

"Why are you alone?" Dwayne asked.

"I am not alone. I have high-class bodyguards with me." She said and cock her head to the bodyguards one beside her and one standing behind her.

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry, to interrupt. You just caught my eyes. I can't miss such a beautiful lady."

"I don't like you." She said straight forward, and Dwayne chuckled.

"Now I know what's peculiar about you. Not just your beauty but your attitude. It attracts me." He said seductively. Athena smiled at him in a very fake way.

"You think that I'm a woman that can be swayed with such words? I'm sorry Mister. But I have lots of things to do than to fuck with someone like you."

        Dwayne laughed and he lifted his beer to his lips.

"Well, if you say so." Dwayne shrugged it off.