Maturity Part 2

        Timothy lifted the dress slowly showing his hairless legs and then like she would seduce him. He teased her a little and wiggle his butt like a girl. But he's too masculine to wiggle such thing. She started laughing and she rolled on the bed holding her stomach and laughed.

"Damn it!" She sighed and Timothy bent down in front of her showing some cleavage, but his chest is massive, and it looks like he had more firm boobs than her. Somehow, it's just a big chest. She laughed and hold her stomach. Damn, it's getting funnier.

"How do you like that?" he asked sexily—in a feminine way.

"I like your ass, girl!" She said with an American accent.

        Timothy pulled the duvet and he crawled on the bed like a cat. He pinned her and kissed her mouth. She's already breathless from laughing and now, he's taking her mouth again. She pushed him and catch her breath.