Nightmare Part 1

        Esme is again in her room to play and composed songs when Percy knocked and entered her room. She stopped and looked up at him. He seemed to be angry over something. She suddenly felt a shiver.

"We need to talk," Percy said. Esme nodded and followed him to his study room. Ashaya is there and Laurence. "So, we decrease maids now. Since Ashaya is pregnant, you need to do some chores. Do you understand?"

        She nodded submissively.

"I also need to decrease your allowance. It's too much for you."

"Okay." She mumbled.

        After that talk, Laurence pulled her to his room.

"Clean my room please." He said coldly and she is about to retaliate but she remembers what Percy said. So, she nodded.

"I—I'll just take the vacuum."

"I want it clean in thirty minutes," Laurence demanded. Somehow, she never saw him so demanding.