Adults Part 2

New York

        Athena had graduated last year in Business Course. Nathaniel and Kale take business together but the two skipped a year and they said that they rather chillax than going to school. So, at this moment, the two are still in college to finish the four-year course.

        After her graduation, she chose to stay in New York for a while and managed her father's business a little. The rest, she had fun going around, disguising, and hooking up a little. But she's not completely flirting. Men go to her direction, initiating sex. She never likes it until she's attracted to someone.

        A one-night stand is fine. But, he should be someone that attracts her and someone who is good and expert and would please her for a night. Athena is very picky about it.

"Tequila with salt and lime." She told the barman of the Elite Bar branched in New York near her apartment.