Esme's 18th Birthday Preparation Part 1

        It's 3:20 PM in Empire Academy. Casey continued finishing her sketch on the bench, under the acacia tree. She's too focused on the scenarios that she's sketching. She didn't notice a boy standing in front of her.

"Casey," She glanced at the boy. Ignoring him, she continued sketching on her sketchbook. "Uh, Casey?" The boy sound shy.

"What?" She asked coldly.

        The boy extended a pink rose to her, and she had smelled it. She took it and looked up at him.

"Why are you giving me this?" She looked straight into his eyes. He looked away and shyly scratched his head.

"I—I like you." He stammered. She rose her brows.

"I don't like you." She said casually, and she put down the rose and proceed to her sketch.

        The boy froze in front of her, and he sighed.

"I'll bring you another rose tomorrow then," He turned back from her. She stopped sketching and frowned.

"He's just wasting his time," Casey mumbled.