Last Dance Part 1

        Ashaya had planned Esme's party for years after she adopted her. She thought that she'll never have a daughter but God gave her two. Then, there's little Rosie who helped her with organizing. She reached Rosie's chin and she smiled at her. She bent down and kissed her nose.

"I love you," Ashaya told her.

"I love you, mommy!" She said aloud.

"Rosie!" The door burst open and little Kassandra, Owen's daughter burst in and she ran with her big gift.

"Hi, Kassandra." Ashaya greeted.

"Hello, Auntie. I have a gift!" She lifted it. Ashaya thanked her as she took the box and put it on the table. Then, Kassandra showed her beautiful artistic fingernails to Rosie. "Casey made that for me."

"I want one!" Rosie slipped off from her seat and run to her. "Mommy, I want one." She pouted.

"Okay, sure."

        Victoria entered the room and she apologizes.

"It's already, Vic." Ashaya waved at her.