Jealousy Part 2

        Laurence knew well that she's not that little girl anymore. She's a grown-up young lady. She's not a minor as well. Somehow, his mind and heart are a mess when it comes to her. How can he not love her more than a sister? She's a bright girl and she's not like one of those girls around.

"Do you want a beer?" He asked. 

She shook her head. He went to the kitchen to the bar to get beers then he brings it over to the family room. He drinks more than eating as they watch some horror movies.

        Somehow, horror movies don't scare her anymore. He moved closer to her and he took one cushion and place it over her lap and he pillow there as they the movie. He sat up to have another drink.

"Isn't too early for you to drink that?"

"Stop nagging, mom." He messed her hair.
