Capsule Part 1

    Ilya slapped the woman hard. He paid a lot of money for being a spy in the Knight Empire. And finally, that she's with Cyra and Natalia, she couldn't get hold of the nanomites. It's already in her hands but has been taken again from her by that Butler.

"Make a way to find their facility. I need more of it!" He demanded her. "Or else, you'll die."

    Jasmine nodded her head and left. Ilya turned to Jacob who is trying to check the drafts. He didn't understand it since the genius Cyra put secret codes on it. She made her code so no one could understand it.

"This is—I need to work on this," Jacob said. "That Cyra is more than what we thought she was."

"What is she?" Ilya asked and turned to him.

    Jacob sighed.

"I think I can't crack her codes. I need to find a way about this."

"Yes. We need that nanomites."

"I wonder what makes you obsessed about that nanomites. Are you sick?" Jacob asked.