Twin Instinct Part 2

 They hopped into the taxi and she told the address. From the New York International Airport, the taxi drove to Manhattan to a luxury penthouse building. He put his hoodie on and he took their luggage. She escorted as they went inside to the 25th floor where his penthouse is.

 She took his hand and place it on the door and she turned on the code.

"That's how it will works, just in case you forgot." She winked at him.

 They walked inside and he looked around the minimal style of the foyer. Then, in the very inside is a comfortable family room. She took one baggage and take it to the master's bedroom.

"You promise me to make one of the spaces to be my gallery. But we'll set that up when you have your memories."

"Are you well?" He asked as he followed her to the master's bedroom. Memories flash with her face as they kissed each other and please each other.