Drifted Away Part 1

        Jacob frowned. He couldn't believe it. Ilya just called off the war from the Phoenix and Dragon. What makes him stop it? He prepared everything and planned everything and polished it. Then, he just called it off easily?

"I sacrifice everything for this Ilya. We can't turn back now."

"Just do what I say. We'll continue our business, but we'll not compete with them anymore."

"Fuck you!" Jacob shouted. "What have you been doing all of these weeks? You think I don't know?" Jacob sneered at him. "You shut me out. Are you with someone else?" Jacob threw the vase to the wall to get his attention. "Answer me."

        Ilya doesn't want to mention to him about Clause. He didn't want him to turn back from him. If not, he might threaten him. Jacob is powerful with all of his hacking skills but Ilya can kill him. However, he loves Jacob too. He doesn't want anything from them to change.