Scary Mother is Best Part 1

        Demi exhaled and glared at Christian. Everyone gets married unexpectedly and she was the first one who got a serious long-term boyfriend. However, the dumb ass isn't even proposing to her not until she agreed about babies. She's already 25 years old and yet, he's treating her like a teenager and like she's not an adult.

"What?" Christian asked.

"You are clueless as ever." She said shaking her head. "Fuck you." She said it calm yet cold. "And you aren't getting anything for the whole month."

"What?" Christian frowned and scratched his head. "Babe, what do you mean?" Demi just shook her head and walked off. "Babe!" He called and followed her.

        Demi took the car keys from him.

"You go home on your own." She said and leave him. Christian followed her as she gets into the car.

"Demi!" He called.

        She droved off quickly after pulling off from the parking lot. Christian scratched his head.