Forbidden Love Part 1

 They went to expensive stores and she used the card that her husband gave to her. Raiden helped with picking her clothes. Like dresses, negligee, underwear, pants, and shirts. She became stylish with it.

"Thank you." She wrapped her arms around him.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm your husband." He patted her head.

 She also buys a few furniture for the house. Raiden assists her around. It's already seven when they reached home. People get in to drop off the furniture and she pointed on where it will be. She seemed more energetic today.

 Raiden pays for the delivery fee and then he watched as they left his penthouse. He looked at his wife who looked around in happiness.

"We'll wash your clothes."

"I'll wash it. You must be tired."

"Why won't you order for our dinner in the Asian Season. You are too tired to cook." He kissed her forehead.

"I will!"