Like Romeo and Juliet? Part 2

Kale removed his dragon amulet and put it on her.

"This cost everything, I have." He mumbled to her as he locked it at her back. She tried not to cry in front of him but it seemed like those tears were traitors. She's sad because he's going on away and she doesn't know what will happen. It's seven-thirty in the morning, and they never slept last night. He makes sure that she gets pregnant when he comes back.

       Both of them stayed up, talking to each other, and cuddling. Kale didn't want to sleep. He wants to see her every second pass, afraid that he'll lose her. But he has to leave.

"I'll get this back. Okay?" he said as a promise to come back to her.

"When you get this back that also includes me?" She asked. He wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead.

"Yes, my Christina." He sealed his words with a kiss on her lips. "You need to get fat too."

"You won't like it when I get fat."

"I don't want you to be thin."