Too Much Love Can Kill Part 2

 Kelsie is worried. It's been two days since she last visited. So, she went to the neighbor with food. Tina might be very busy. Her step-mother opened it and smiled at her.

"Hi! Where's Tina?" She gave the food that she prepared and Margarita thanked her and gave it to the maid.

"She's upstairs." She said. "I just got from a visit. She's not coming out from her room."

"What?" Kelsie creased her brows. "Can I see her?"

"Yeah," Margarita escorted her to Tina's room and she knocked softly. "Darling, Kelsie is here." She squeezed it open and everything in the room was dark. Kelsie peeked. She stopped when there are the cupcake and cookies that she gave two days ago.

 Christina slipped off from the bed and approached them.