Spanking Part 2

       Rhys brings Camila to his room which they are going to stay in. She still has her room in the guest room area. But at this moment, she wanted to be with Rhys and his room is too manly. He got photographs from polaroid with his cousins and friends and there's her photo with him when they are in the bar, drunk and laughing at each other.

"We need to wake up earlier," Rhys said. "You might get late."

       She put her purse on the corner and she turned back from him. Rhys zipped down the dress that she's wearing.

"Are we able to make love tonight?" Rhys asked.

"No. I'm not horny." She said coldly. "Ready the tub," She smacked his butt and he pouted at her.

"Babe, please…"

"No. Just use your hand." She said. Rhys doesn't have a choice but to ready the bathtub.