Out of Love Part 1

       Esme put her music notebook, her tablet, her ballpen, her phone, and hygiene set in her bag. She put her sneakers on and her denim hoodie jacket on. The class started after summer. She had to bother her brother to escort her to her school although she knew that he's busy since he's graduating and he's also taking care of a few businesses in New York.

"You ready?" Laurence asked.


"Did you charge your phone and your smartwatch?" He asked as he followed her outside the penthouse.

"I already did. I also have extra-power just in case."

       Laurence drove her to Juilliard. It wasn't traffic at the moment. Her class starts at ten in the morning. She checked her schedule and showed it to him.

"I'm going to escort you there, baby sis." He patted her head.

"By the way, there's news about the Empire Café." She said.

"Don't mind about it," Rence said. She nodded at him which means that nothing bad happened to Bea or Demi.