Part of Me Part 1

       Demi finally left Christian's penthouse. Bodyguards are outside waiting for her with her brother Dominic. They aren't letting her stay alone in Christian's penthouse. But she'll visit tomorrow again. She doesn't know what happened to her love but she'll know everything soon.

"You know, I can't let you stay there," Dominic said.

"Yes, whatever." She shrugged.

       Dominic put his arms around his sister and led her to the car. The bodyguard opened the back of the sedan for them. Then, he sat beside her. He unbuttoned his coat and exhaled. Demi sighed and took out her phone.

"No update from dad?" She asked.

"None," Dominic said.

       It's an hour's drive to the mansion. As soon as they reached the mansion, her mom was waiting at the door. She knew that she made her mom worried but they are all worried about Christian and her dad. After the mission, their dad went out for negotiation. They knew that it's dangerous.