Shopping Part 2

       It felt like they melted after seeing the couple doing that lovey-dovey action. Camila and Christina who are holding hands together and like best friends make that awed expression toward Natalia and Ashton who are walking away from them.

"I never thought that they'd make such a cute couple," Chelsea said in awe.

"You should get a boyfriend," Kale said. Rhys frowned and smacked Kale's back.

"No," Rhys said. Chelsea frowned.

"I'm an adult. I can have a boyfriend." She said as she rolled her eyes. They chuckled.

"I wish Raiden is here," Rhys said with a sigh. "I miss my twinnie. He's always been with Charlotte."

"I think we should pay them a visit?" Camila suggested.

"No preggy on board." Rhys shook his head. Camila cringed as they entered the LV shop.

"You don't like the smell of the bags?" Christina asked.

"Yeah. I also cringed because of what Rhys said."