Bloom Part 2

       Laurence doesn't like how this guy looked at her. He approached her and called her name. She turned to him. He reached her arm almost instant. 

"Let's go."

"Can we stay a little longer?" She asked. Is she staying because of this guy named Winston? That Rebecca said to be a Music God? He's good looking. But not as good looking as his family.

"No," Laurence said strongly.

"Dude, just let her go. It's freshmen night." Winston said.

"Don't call me dude," Laurence said frankly. "I don't care if it's freshmen night."

       Esme pouted and she turned to Winston.

"Sorry." She said.

"Why are you saying sorry?" Laurence pulled her and dragged her out.

"Ow!" She winced when she almost twisted her ankle. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up. "Laurence~~" She pouted at him.