Crazy Girlfriend Part 2

 Zendaya and Chelsea should help with the fight. But seeing how Aria shouting at the guy is fun. Mason, Timothy, and Xavier protectively cover the boys. Bouncers came. Zendaya pointed at them and told them to kick them out. The bouncers indeed kicked them out and Jaxon pointed to the man who brought the gang with him and who harassed Chelsea.

 They went to their table to have a nice drink.

"That was fun." Zendaya chuckled.

 Jaxon asked for ice cream and checked Aria's fist.

"It's a hard face. You shouldn't punch the poor guy!" Jaxon exclaimed to her.

"He punched you! What should I do? Go act like a poor damsel in distress. An heiress shouldn't act that way."

"So, you should act harshly?" Jaxon asked back and he flicked her forehead.


"Fix your skirt." He said.

"It's fixed!" She rolled her eyes.