Xavier's Goddess Part 1

 He gently caressed her hair, not to wake her up. It's cold and she's hugging the fleece blanket. It's also raining hard outside and last night's lovemaking is always good. He liked watching her had her orgasm and he loved hearing her pleased moan. She's his goddess after all. He never felt so in love in his entire life like this. 

 Since the typhoon is still raging outside his house, work has been canceled. Also, he wanted to treat her well. Massage her, served her breakfast and all. She just finished her dangerous assignment. She's been restless too. The only thing he needed to do is to give her special treatment. 

 He gently planted his lips to her cheeks. He slipped off from bed, put his boxers shorts on, and went downstairs to the kitchen. He washed his hands first and took out the ingredients to prepare for the breakfast. She liked heavy food for breakfast.