Grandparents Part 1

       Xavier drove to the Alvarez's old mansion. Everything is Spanish style mixed with Victorian style. But everything, the appliances, and security are all leveled up. It's also his first time to meet Athena's grandparents. The old couple is smiling at them. By seeing the lovely couple, he has to praise them for being beautiful even though they are old. They look cheerful and youthful.

"Athena!" Anastasia, Athena's grandmother hugged her and kissed her face. The old man, Ferdinand did the same. "My beautiful granddaughter finally brings a man with her." Anastasia grinned.

"Mama, Pops, this is Xavier Martin. My boyfriend." Athena said.

       Xavier smiled and extended his hands. Ferdinand shook it, while Anastasia pulled him into a hug. He was surprised by the warm hug but he hugged back.

"Welcome to the family," Ferdinand said.

"Babe!" A man shouted and then followed by three identical men. They ran to Athena and pulled her into a group hug.