Two Broken Heart Part 1

       Xavier didn't know how many days it had been. He didn't know if it's even Christmas. He heard Christmas carols every night. The door opened and her mother entered with a tray of foods.

"You aren't eating well," Marga said. "I know that I am not a good cook." She put it on the table. "But this soup is great. I can say so because I tasted it and it isn't that bad." She smiled at him.

       Xavier sat up and looked at the time. Four-fifty in the afternoon.

"You need to get out," Marga said as she opened the curtains. She exhaled. "It's a beautiful day and you stay in the house. Go mingle!"

"I don't want to mingle," Xavier mumbled.

"Well, what are you gonna do?" She asked. "Just sulk here thinking about that girl again?" Marga crossed her arms.

       Xavier sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Xavier, it's not the end of the world. Go out and have fun! Kylie is always there for you~~"