Expensive Proposal Part 1

 Xavier watched as Athena took out two boxes and put them in front of him. She looked excited and she even put on a headband with cat ears. He also noticed the tail at her back that he thought to be attached to the sexy costume. She grinned at him and pointed to the boxes that are wrapped beautifully. He turned back from her and put the box in the drawer secretly. He took the small box that she gave and opened it. It's a fountain pen with his name and ink. 

"That's the only fountain pen in the whole world." She told me. "And it's not just a fountain pen. It has a recorder and a small camera." She winked. 

"Babe, you are the best." Xavier reached her hand and kissed her. 

"I know," She winked. "Open the boxes." 

 Xavier picked the first box with a red ribbon and he sat on the bed. Athena knelt on the bed beside him and watched him open it. He removed the foam covered on the top and he felt like he's back as a kid again.