Happy Ending

  Christian was having a last minute in the Grand Empire Cafe in Tagaytay. They have a lot of customers and their chef will be late to pick other ingredients. Timothy, the CEO of the Empire Cafe also came to help. They were short of crew for a moment to took out other ingredients that they needed. Noah, Jaxon, Mason and Ashton are helping on serving the customers. Lots of females were squirming and taking photos of those hunk but they weren't aware that their girlfriends slash wives where just outside glaring at the group of girls. 

  Finally, their ingredients came. They were shortage of ingredients for a while but this time, everything are well now. The chefs that Christian keep in fit body salute to him and he signed them in. 

"Five minutes to clean up and groom yourselves." Christian said. They answered at the same time and went to their lockers to clean up.