Chapter 20

Inside Laura's room, Takeko was already waiting, looking a bit worried until he laid eyes on her. As he saw Laura step inside, he ran up to her and said "ah good you're alright, I think a spirit just came here."

"I know, it tried to kill me after Kendo practice." Laura replied, hints of a frown noticeable on her face as she walked in, making room for Daiki to come in after her. "Also Daiki found out, so we three are going to need to have a short Q&A."

"Hello," Daiki said unsurely to the brown furred spirit before him. The air around the Kitsune began to shimmer as her tails and ears were revealed once more, alongside the naginata she had taken with her.

"Daiki this is Takeko. Takeko, Diaki," Laura introduced them to each other as she made sure the curtains were closed.

"So," She addressed Takeko, her voice seemingly to calm, "how come you failed to mention that this Yo-tsu wants to conquer the human world? Or at least Japan."

"I I thought it wouldn't be important, seeing as the seal was still in place earlier this week." He responded, his gaze lowered shamefully.

"Great, so we can assume they'll keep on sending their people over. Anything you want to know from the little guy Daiki?" Laura inquired as she placed the polearm on the top of her closet.

"Actually yes, why did that spirit appear in the same room Laura was in?" He inquired as he sat down on a bit of free space on the desk, seeing as the smaller spirit was occupying the only chair.

"That's an easy one." Takeko replied with a little wave of his forepaw. "As Laura is the strongest concentration of spiritual energy in this valley, opening a gate between here and the spirit world gets easier the closer to her it is done."

"Great so I'll have a lot more run-ins with hostile spirits in my future, yay me." She commented sarcastically, her neutral expression becoming even more forced. "Oh another thing, is there a way to prevent other spirits from doing things, like using magic to burn my insides?"

"Yeah, there are small paper seals and charms made for exactly that purpose. I am sure Inuka can make you some." He replied with a nod. "Why do you ask?"

"Because that's how I defeated the spirit that attacked us. That reminds me, Daiki whom would I need to talk to to get access to a decent workshop on Campus?"

"Well Professor. Yakamura organizes access to the student workshops, mostly for those students that work on projects for their final thesis. Why do you ask?" Came the prompt and curious response from Daiki.

"Two reasons actually," she began to explain, as she rubbed her temples, barely avoiding getting a finger stuck in an ear. "For one, if there really is a way to stop spirits from easily killing each other with magic, I'll need an actual weapon to defend myself with. And I also want to see if I can't make an engine run on magic, or well summoned fire."

"Well you could try talking to the professor over the weekend and try to sell him on the engine as an extra credit project, not sure how you would even go about justifying making a weapon." Daiki replied stroking his goatee.

"Ah if I can get access to a plasma cutter for the engine, I am sure I can hide a short longsword between the pieces for it," Laura said sounding a tiny bit relieved. "But that will have to wait till Sunday at the earliest. Tomorrow I need to see Inuka to get some charms for us and Gabe as well."

"So, mind showing me the yukata the spirits gave you?" Daiki asked her, still stealing glances at the real life Tanuki sitting on the German's chair. "Just to make sure I was right about how much it would stand out."

"Sure." She said before pulling out the white and red garment out of her closet. "I'll definitely need to get the dirt out first though."

"Yes, but otherwise it should at worst raise some eyebrows, it's quite close to the traditional clothes that aren't that uncommon at Yamatanuki," the local student commented as he looked over the yukata. "Although patterned ones would be more common once we get closer to the beginning of summer."

"Hm, thanks for that tip, I'll have to see if I can't get some more then after visiting Inuka," Laura replied as she put the yukata back where she took it from.

"So, assuming there will be more spirits coming after you, any plans of how to deal with it? Preferably without causing a panic for as long as possible?" Daiki inquired as she handed him a bottle of ice tea.

"Not much of a plan as of now, it boils down to 'keep them from hurting people'," She replied with a shrug, grabbing something to drink for herself before sitting down on the bed, her tails flaring out across it.

"Okay, well in that case I'll just stick close to you and make sure I know how to get others out of harm's way," Daiki said as he leaned back a bit, absentmindedly starting to scratch Takeko behind his fuzzy little ears. Not complaining in the slightest, the Tanuki even leaned into the scratches, seemingly enjoying himself. "Anyway I owe you at least a drink for dealing with that thing earlier, so how about I treat you to food and drinks at Mr. Tanaka's bar on sunday?"

"Sure, I'm not one to turn down free food." She replied with a smile.

"Well looking forward to it. For now, I'll take my leave," Daiki finished their conversation.

Once he had closed the door behind himself, Laura fully collapsed onto her bed, not quite bothering with getting all her tails out of the way.

When he noticed a slightly salty smell, Takeko jumped off the chair and climbed on top of the bed. Sitting down next to the quietly crying former human, he was about to ask her what's wrong as he was grabbed and squeezed like a stuffed animal. Hearing incoherent babbling from her, he decided to endure this treatment for now, and try talking when she was back to coherent words.